Solar Co-op Opens for Residents Interested in Solar Energy

Published on March 11, 2024

sustainability, green energy, green building

CLEARWATER, Fla. – You may benefit from the Pinellas 2024 Solar Co-op, if you are interested in getting solar panels or bringing solar energy into your home, small business, or non-profit organization. The local co-op is hosted by the non-profit Solar United Neighbors and is open to all interested residents of Pinellas County, including Clearwater. Theme for this year's co-op is "Leap Into Solar."

The co-op is free to join. Together, co-op members will learn about solar energy and leverage their membership numbers to purchase individual solar systems at a competitive price and top quality.

According to Greenprint 2.0, the city’s Sustainability Action Plan, electricity is the biggest contributor to our community-wide greenhouse gas emissions, with most of that electricity being used for lighting, cooling and heating of buildings. Transitioning to solar energy can help lower the use of fossil fuels, a leading cause of climate change.

The co-op will host monthly information sessions through May 2024, which will cover topics such as Solar 101, benefits of solar and co-op details. Sessions are free. People who are interested in going solar can sign up for the co-op or one of these information sessions at  

Co-op partners include the cities of Clearwater, Dunedin, Largo, Oldsmar, Safety Harbor, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, the Suncoast Sierra Club, and the League of Women Voters of both north Pinellas County and St. Petersburg. 

Learn more at Visit for details on the Greenprint 2.0 sustainability plan.

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About Solar United Neighbors

Solar United Neighbors is a nonprofit organization that works in Florida and nationwide to represent the needs and interests of solar owners and supporters. Solar co-ops are part of the organization’s mission to create a new energy system with rooftop solar at the cornerstone. Solar United Neighbors holds events and education programs to help people become informed solar consumers, maximize the value of their solar investment, and advocate for fair solar policies.