Public Communications

studio with lights and buttons

The objective of the Public Communications Department is to strengthen and empower Clearwater’s citizens through active dialogue in order to foster community engagement and to communicate with Clearwater’s residents, businesses and visitors regularly and in an open, transparent fashion.

In furthering the City Council’s Strategic Direction of developing and promoting the city of Clearwater’s brand, the Public Communication Department is responsible for implementing the city’s brand and messaging through various communication tools that involve citywide media, public and community relations, marketing communications and video/television production. The department produces a city magazine called “MyClearwater” three times a year, leads special community engagement projects, and manages the city’s print production, mail, and courier services. Public Communications works closely with HUB, the city’s tourism agency of record, to promote bright and beautiful Clearwater as a destination for visitors from all over the globe. As an internal service department, Public Communications also works with all the other departments to promote their information to residents in an efficient and high-quality product. The department is most responsible for the following strategic direction items: foster community engagement, develop and promote our brand, efficiency and quality.

The Public Communications Department operates the following: C-VIEW TV, marketing, public and media relations, graphic design, and the city's courier service.